
Bethesda DUI Attorneys

Defending Against DUI Charges in Bethesda, MD

Drunk driving charges can range from fairly minor misdemeanors to serious felonies. If you are charged with one, it is important to take your case seriously and work with a well-regarded DUI defense attorney. There are many ways to defend against a DUI charge, from showing that your field sobriety tests were unfair to plea bargaining to have a felony DUI reduced to a misdemeanor that will not interfere with your life to the same degree.

The Law Offices of Gerstenfield & Demirji, PC. will work with you to identify the best defense strategy for you. Our experienced Bethesda, MD DUI attorneys will take the time to understand not only the circumstances leading up to your arrest, but what your individual goals and priorities are. Whether your most important goal is avoiding jail time, not becoming a felon, or keeping your driving privileges, we will strive to ensure that your needs are met.

Misdemeanor DUI Lawyer in Bethesda, MD

Most DUIs in Maryland are misdemeanors. These are lesser offenses that carry no more than a year of jail time, but should still be taken seriously. You could lose your driving privileges for six months to a year for a simple DUI and be fined $1,000 for a first offense or $2,000 for a second offense.

Felony DUI Attorney Serving Montgomery County, MD

If you are facing a felony DUI, you could go to prison for more than a year. A DUI might be charged as a felony in Maryland if:

  • Someone suffered a serious bodily injury or died as a result,
  • You were carrying a passenger less than 14 years old,
  • Your BAC was over 0.2%,
  • You were driving more than 20 miles per hour over the speed limit, or
  • You have two or more DUI convictions within the last ten years.

Drug DUI Lawyers

Not all DUI arrests are alcohol-related. You can also be charged with a DUI if you were under the influence of another substance, such as a prescription medication or cannabis. Drug DUIs can be harder to prove. While a person's exact BAC can be measured, showing his or her precise degree of impairment, it is harder to show a person's level of drug impairment. However, people have been convicted of DUI simply for testing positive for an illicit substance. These cases require the skill of an attorney to fight back against.

Field Sobriety Tests and Chemical Tests

The police likely made it sound like field sobriety tests and breath or blood tests are scientifically accurate and make for flawless evidence, but this is not true. These tests are only reliable if they were administered under perfectly controlled conditions, which is not often the case.

Field sobriety tests are often influenced by issues like the weather or the type of surface the test was given on. High winds, rain, mud, or ice can all affect a person's performance. Other issues like a medical condition that affects balance or a mental health condition that impairs a person's ability to follow instructions in a highly stressful situation can also make a person appear more impaired than he or she was.

Chemical tests can be influenced by problems like contamination of the testing equipment, the presence of a police radio near a breath test machine, or a police officer's failure to follow the proper procedure.

Other DUI Defenses

Other DUI defenses our lawyers may use on your behalf include:

  • Constitutional rights violations - If the arresting officer lacked reasonable suspicion to pull you over, your charges could be dismissed.
  • You were not in control of a vehicle - If you were arrested in a parked car, you might have a defense in that you were not driving depending on the circumstances.
  • Involuntary intoxication - If you were drugged without your consent, you are probably not liable for your conduct afterward.

Contact a Bethesda, MD DUI Lawyer

The Law Offices of Gerstenfield & Demirji, PC. is dedicated to providing the best DUI defense available. Our experienced Montgomery County, MD DUI attorneys will do all we can to bring about the best possible outcome in your case. Contact us at 301-589-9500 for a complimentary consultation.

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